The most basic of winterization steps is simply turning on the faucet. If you find yourself in the middle of an especially cold night or a winter storm, allowing your faucet to drip will keep water moving through your pipes. If there’s anything we’ve learned from the Boy Scouts, it’s that moving water doesn’t freeze. We’ll talk later about the dangers of freezing water in your pipes.
The most effective method of letting your water drip is to pick the faucet that’s the furthest from where the water comes into the house. This ensures that water is running through as much piping as possible while you let it drip.
Consider the idea of stopping power to the house. In a cold season, a home that’s unoccupied is still going to give off some heat and will attract critters. Cutting off the power to the house can prevent fires from faulty electronics and appliances or chewed wires. If you leave the power on, consider simply unplugging your appliances. A lot of people have gas alternatives to electric appliances. If that’s you, don’t forget to shut off the gas supply or shutting off the appliances completely.
Some things are easily forgotten, so it’s a good idea to go through each room and identify any appliance or home system that uses water. Make sure to drain your dishwasher and replace the water with the RV antifreeze. If you have a refrigerator with an ice maker, you’ll want to follow the manufacturer’s instructions on draining the water from that also. Finally, make sure that your thermostat is set to no less than 55 degrees.
Some police stations will offer the option to file an empty house form with them if you know you’re going to be going away for a while. This is a good practice if your local police offer it.
Other home systems to consider could be washing machines, pools, hot tubs and sprinkler systems.
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